Workshops & Trainings

We provide skills-based workshops and training on digital storytelling for social impact, well-being for activists, and community development through participatory placemaking.
Digital Storytelling for Social Impact
We facilitate and run three day skills-based workshops that provide an opportunity for participants to learn the basics of digital storytelling and to produce their own 3-5 minute story. Our skills-based workshop includes collaborative and individual work with a group screening and discussion. Participants will learn how to conceptualize new ideas, write a script, make a storyboard, shoot, and edit. We encourage and promote unique and diverse approaches to storytelling! Learning skills for digital storytelling for social impact is useful for social and political activists, community development workers, social service and health providers, educators, students, and anyone interested in storytelling. The contents of our digital storytelling workshop can be compacted or expanded based on participants needs and wants.
Community Development through Participatory Placemaking
Placemaking empowers communities and strengthens local economies. We provide a two day skills-based practical workshop designed to inspire community development through creative placemaking. Participants will learn the core principles of participatory placemaking, project development, implementation processes like team building, research methods, concept creation, fundraising, marketing and other important components. Our workshop focuses developing real project development for our participants communities. Participants will follow a practical guide designed to help complete community projects.

The workshop can be transformed into a Fast Track training (minimum 4 hours).
Well-being for Civil Society Activists
Those activists who mostly work in a restricted and oppressed environment are often exposed to distressing situations directly and indirectly. It causes stress, lack of energy and motivation, and can lead to depression and apathy.
We offer a one day workshop focusing on self-care. It provides participants with skills, knowledge and well-being techniques that they can use in everyday life.

Workshop can be transformed into a Fast Track training (minimum 4 hours).
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