The Perfaratar Music Lab, an international music exchange initiative, invites Belarusian, Lithuanian and international musicians to join 9-day collaborative music creation program in LITHUANIA. During this facilitated program 10 selected musicians will co-create compositions, perform them for the wide audience and record at the CreateCulture Studio for the Perfaratar YouTube Showroom.


This exchange program aims to promote international collaboration and social interaction through the medium of music, employing a people-to-people cultural diplomacy framework.

Participation is free.
Organized by CreateCulture Group.
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Program | Dates
3 - 21 July
22 - 27 August
28 - 30 August
Locations of the project
  • Lab location
    The lab will take place at the amazing location Inovatorių slėnis
    at Antalieptė.
  • Sound studio
    Professional studio for rehearslas and demo-recordings in the medieval manor will be provided by Kamariškių dvaras
  • Final Concert
    An impressive and photogenic panorama of the capital opens up from the roof terrace of the Energy and Technology Museum and there you will be performing!
  • Live Session Studio
    CreateCulture Studio is a high-quality production focused on the live music sessions recording, documentaries and music videos.
How to apply? Who we are looking for?
If you are a musician who has checked the dates and is ready to join our laboratory, please fill out the application form. We accept individual musicians only; applications from bands, duos, trios, etc., will not be considered. We have the capacity to host only 10 musicians, so we will give preference to those who are motivated, open-minded, able to participate in improvisations, and have published original material (not cover music) or material based on folklore/traditional songs. We are also accepting applications from electronic music composers, provided they can play LIVE sets.

IMPORTANT! We require you to attach a 1-minute self-recorded video where you share your motivation for participating in the Music Lab.
How will the process look like?
The program is designed with a focus on deep diving into the music collaborative creation process and utilizing a participatory approach. This means that you will receive minimal facilitation from our side and will be encouraged to work on new compositions in pairs, duos, or as a group. To help you unplug from the busy city life, we are specifically bringing you to the countryside and nature surroundings.

The full detailed program will be provided to selected participants.
Preliminary program:
22 August — Meeting at Vilnius. Introduction Day. (Visiting yurt and sauna)
23 August — Transfer to Innovatoriu Mokikla. Sharing materials, group forming. Share Day.
24 August — Check-point 1. Rehearsals, facilitated program. Decision Day.
25 August — Check-point 2. Rehearsals, facilitated program. Demo Day.
26 August — Check-point 3. Rehearsals, facilitated program. Finalization Day.
27 August — Departure to Vilnius.
28 August — Concert
29 August — Recording at the Studio
30 August — Additional recording day
What do we cover and provide in exchange of your input?
For musicians coming from Belarus:
  • bus tickets to Vilnius and back (please, note that we do not provide visa!)
  • accommodation and food at the countryside location (24-28 August)
  • accommodation at the shared apartment from 28 August to 1 September
For musicians from Vilnius:
  • accommodation and food at the countryside location (24-28 August)
For musicians coming from other EU countries:
  • economy tickets up to 100 EUR (both ways)
  • accommodation and food at the countryside location (24-28 August)
  • accommodation at the shared apartment from 28 August to 1 September
What public materials will be created?
The music laboratory will result in a few formats of the produced materials:
  • Live concert at TBD Location (30 August)
  • Documentation of the process for Perfaratar YouTube Channel (Video up to 15 minutes)
  • Live session recording for each created composition (up to 6) will be published and promoted at Perfaratar YouTube Channel.
Please, be aware that if you are not a public person (for example, coming from Belarus), we should discuss the case individually.
Perfaratar is a YouTube live showroom for musicians from Belarus, Lithuania, Ukraine, and beyond. The project was created by producer Nadzeya Ilkevich and the team at CreateCulture Studio. Over 20 artists have performed at our cozy studio in the old town of Vilnius and had their videos published.

CreateCulture Group is a non-profit organization and the platform for dialogue and professional development for creators, activists and their communities. Our initiatives and projects include creative hub CC.Space and a video production CC.Studio.

If you have questions, please, send them here

Address: Karmelitu, 5, Vilnius

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