We are working to promote positive impact, inspire fruitful collaboration, and increase integrated diversity
CreateCulture's mission is to cultivate vibrant communities, neighbourhoods and economies through providing communication for development services including effective storytelling, cross-cultural collaboration and civic education opportunities.
Placemaking and Community Development
Arts & Cultural Projects
Consulting, Conferences, Facilitation
About the project
Placemaking Week in Athens, Ohio
Placemaking Week in Athens, OH is a weeklong series of activities (lectures, brainstorms, workshops) for students and the local community. Through local Placemaking Week activities, we started the conversation about placemaking and how our community can work together now and in the future to improve public spaces across the city of Athens.
Project supported by Arts for Ohio, The City of Athens, Athens Municipal Arts Commission.
Armory Park
During local Placemaking Week an interactive and inspiring public space Armory Park was created by students and local community. Over 100 people took part in placemaking activities, mural coloring and crafting process. Mayor Steve Patterson hosted the ribbon cutting ceremony.
Press about the project:
- 'Placemaking Week' to include art projects at Armory by The AthensNews
- Armory space gets plush volunteer makeover by The AthensNews
Project managers: Nadzeya Ilkevich (Lead), Gaone Manatong, Zoe Zralik, Nikolai Rubanovskii
Artist: Katharina Simo
Crafters, carpenters: Luke A. Black, Kyle Look, Jim, Kyle Lyons, Brett Hill, Ben Stewart
Volunteers: Athens community and Ohio University students
About the project
Online School for Urban Change
Online school for urban and community development beginners ZMENA.CITY is a Belarusian multifunctional platform that includes 10 interactive video lessons, thematic blog and online library. ZMENA created to educate and motivate civil society to implement placemaking and community initiatives.
Project created with support by USAID through Pact World.
More than 300 students (number is growing); 2000 platform visitors per month. Online School ZMENA has been included in a number of civic educational programs for community development.
Best Youth Educational Project according to RADA AWARDS 2018 (Belarus)
Nadzeya Ilkevich - Project Designer, Lessons Developer, Producer.
Kseniya Tsyhanok - Video Lessons Director, Text Editor.
Anna Skirko - Tasks Developer, Consulting Teacher.
Alexander Efremoff - Actor, Producer.
Bart Kuraga - Design, Computer Graphics, Animation.
BlackBeastMedia - Video Production.
Social Film Studio - Administration, PR.
About the project
The City Show. Season 2.
Motivational and educational internet-show aimed to popularize grass root activism, placemaking and educate local communities from the entire Belarus.
The City Show consists of education week, challenges, community engagement and research, initiatives implementation.
  • Participants implemented 8 placemaking and community development initiatives
  • More than 120 articles published
  • About 1,000,000 views in three social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube)
  • More than 3,000 people were engaged in grass root initiatives
  • About $4000 (money and in-kind donations) fundraised by participants for additional support of their projects
  • Brazilian Embassy provided institutional support
  • Artist from the USA provided The Prize Fund
Idea, Project Design and Education: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Producers: Nadzeya Ilkevich & BlackBeastMedia
Director, VFX, Editor: Bart Kuraga
Production Design: Pavel Shappo
PR Manager: Katsiaryna Solodukha
Supported by: USAID through Pact World, Heinrich Boell Foundation, German Marshall Fund
Partners: Irbis Cinema, AZ Video, First Rental, Embassy of Brazil

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About the project
The City Show. Season 1.
Motivational and educational internet-show aimed to popularize grass root activism, placemaking and educate local communities from the entire Belarus.
The City Show consists of education week, challenges, community engagement and research, initiatives implementation.
  • Participants implemented 11 placemaking and community development initiatives
  • More than 70 articles published
  • About 500,000 views in three social networks (Vkontakte, Facebook, YouTube)
  • Broadcasted on the National TV Channel Belarus-2
  • More than 2000 people were engaged in initiatives
  • About $6000 (money and in-kind donations) fundraised by participants for additional support of their projects
  • TUT.BY provided informational support
  • Social Weekend provided The Prize Fund
Idea, Project Design and Education: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Producers: Nadzeya Ilkevich & Green Media Production
Director, VFX, Editor: Alexander Gorodko
Project Coordinator: Anastasia Kurilenko
Marketing&Advertising Manager: Pavel Burmako
Supported by: USAID through Pact World, Heinrich Boell Foundation, German Marshall Fund
About the project
Superheroes School/Creative City
The project aimed to educate civil society leaders to implement placemaking and community development projects and to build a new type of relations between local communities, activists, city government and local businesses.
6-months educational program included lectures, workshops, seminars, meetings with local and international experts, research, project design, implementation and evaluation.
42 people were educated; 5 community projects were successfully implemented with SROI 50%.
Implemented projects:
- The Dream Stairs (old stairs replacement and coloring)
- Community Cleanup and Art Festival
- Bike Festival
- Book Exchange Festival
- Art Festival in Abanodoned Park
Overall results and impact:
160 bushes planted, 6 public art sculptures cleaned up, 12 benches repaired, 4 Cleanup Festivals organized, 3 Art Festivals organized, more than 100 community members engaged, 10 businesses involved, more than $5,000 fundraised. Awards:
The 2nd place winner of the International Festival of Marketing and Place Branding OPEN 2015.
Idea, Project Design, Educational Program Design, Project Management: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Project Administration and PR Management: Kseniya Yusova
Project supported by: Community Development Fund (USAID through Pact World), Heinrich Boell Foundation, EPAM, Public Group and many more.

About the project
"Create Culture Together"
Tandem Ukraine
Cultural managers networking program "Create culture together" provided an opportunity for Belarusian and Ukrainian cultural managers and artists to establish partnership for international and interdisciplinary collaboration. Belarusian cultural managers after their 4-days networking, visited GalitsiaKult Forum in Kharkiv, invited Ukrainian cultural managers to Minsk for cultural dialog and public presentations.
  • 7 cultural managers from Belarus visited GalitsyiaKult Forum in Kharkiv (Ukraine) and established cross-cultural partnerships
  • 5 cultural managers from Ukraine were invited to Minsk (Belarus) to take part in Belarusian-Ukrainian Cultural StereoForum
  • Belarusian-Ukrainian Cultural StereoForum was organized by exchange participants and included: Lviv Film Commission Presentation, Belarusian-Ukrainian Music Poetry Night, Meeting with Natalia Vorozhbit, Decommunization Presentation, Theatre Performance
Project Managers (Tandem Participants):
Nadzeya Ilkevich and Lidia Sazonova
Partnering organizations: Centre for Cultural Management and Dofa.Fund
Project implemented as a part of Tandem for Culture Project
About the project
The Culture Day of the Grand Duchy Lithuanian Nations
International Open-Air Festival at the National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus.
Cross-cultural international project aimed to unite the ex-Grand Duchy Nations (Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania) through music and to attract people's attention to their history and contemporary culture based on their traditional roots. Project is a part of the marketing strategy of the international exhibition "The portraits of rulers and magnates of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania"
Four musical bands were invited to perform:
- GYCH Orchestra (Ukraine)
- Volosi (Poland)
- Aiste Smilgeviciute & SKYLE (Lithuania)
- Palats (Belarus)

More that 300 people attended festival.

Idea and Project Managers:
Nadzeya Ilkevich and Diana Shantor
Festival was a part of the marketing strategy of the international exhibition "The portraits of rulers and magnates of the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania" at the National Art Museum of Belarus
Partners: Polish Institute in Belarus, Embassy of Lithuania in Belarus, Krinitsa Inc, Boom Sound.
About the project
Arts Educational Project "Backstage"
The project aimed to educate youth through theatre performance creation within 10 days period. Educational program included three parts: workshops, rehearsals and public performance. Professional actors, directors, dancers, musicians and artists were invited to lead workshops and creation process. The project included the following types and genres of art: puppet theatre, drama theatre, plastic theatre, music and visual art.
Partners: The National Puppet Theatre of Belarus, The Republican Theatre of Belarusian Drama, Contemporary Dance Theatre, Shuma Project, Ruslan Vashkevich
2011, 2012
8 participants together with 11 professional actors and artists created performance that took place at the Republican Theatre of Belarusian Drama. Performance included three parts: Contemporary Dance, Puppet Theatre, Drama Theatre.
24 participants together with 14 professional actors and artists created joint performance that based on a poem Dziady by Adam Mitskewich. Participants created decorations, music, puppets. Performance also included Contemporary Dance, Puppet Theatre, Drama Theatre elements.
Idea and Project Managers:
Nadzeya Ilkevich and Elena Tsalko
Partners: The National Puppet Theatre of Belarus, The Republican Theatre of Belarusian Drama, InZhest Theatre, Ruslan Vashkevich, Pavel Kharlanchuk, Andrey Savchenko.
Making the Place is a short documentary about the Armory Park creation in Athens, Ohio. The film shows how four international students organized Regional Placemaking Week in Athens, Ohio and created unique public space together with the local community.
Directed and Produced by Alec Hillyer and Nadzeya Ilkevich
Making the Place
Placemaking Week in Athens, Ohio
The mid-lenght documentary The City tells a story of active citizens from Belarus who decided to improve their cities and implement community initiatives within the first Belarusian TV-show for social change "The City Show".
Participants, experts and organizers discuss the philosophy of urban/rural activism, the origins of motivation and challenges that active people could meet during their project development.
Director: Alexander Gorodko
Produced by Nadzeya Ilkevich, Anton Ryzhchanka & Green Media Production
The City
The philosophy of urban activism
Other films
The Last Delivery, 2019 (Short Film)
Director: Vlad Klimchuk, Producers: Nadzeya Ilkevich, Keisha Martin, Andrew Bekh, Aleksandr Omelyanov
Bad Signal, 2018 (Short Film)
Director: Bart Kuraga, Screenplay: Matthew Valdovinos, Producer: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Awards: 48 Hours Horror Film Challenge (Cleveland) - Best Script, Best Actor
Box of Paradox, 2018 (360 Short Film )
Director & Producer: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Keeping Faith, 2017 ( Short Film )
Director: Bart Kuraga, Producer: Nadzeya Ilkevich
Consulting & Facilitation (Abridged)
Placemaking Week in Athens, Ohio, 2018 - Speaker, Facilitator
Leadership in Local Communities Program, Belarus, 2016-2017 - Mentor, Lecturer
Mapping the Future of the Place.The Park of My Dream, Workshop, Minsk, Belarus, 2017 - Tutor, Expert
Methods of Community Organizing Workshop, Minsk, Belarus, 2016 - Expert, Facilitator
The Right to the City Discussion, Minsk, Belarus, 2017 - Host, Moderator
Community Engagement Strategic Plan for Loshitsa Estate and Park Complex in Minsk, Belarus, 2015 - Initiator, Coordinator, Expert
The Centre of Mythological Tourism and The Museum of Belarusian Myths at Berezinsky National Park in Belarus, 2016 - Concept developer
Conferences (Abridged)
• OSF Scholarship Program North America Regional Conference, Community Building and the Power of Narratives, 2019, Atlanta, GA - Panelist, Eurasia Regional Session Presenter
• United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Conference, 2018, Ohio University - Panelist
• OSF Scholarship Program North America Regional Conference, Conflict Resolution and Mediation, 2018, Washington DC - Participant
Urban Development Conference "Do Your Summit", 2016, Moscow - Speaker
Round Table "Participatory projects experience: from local initiatives to NGO establishment", 2015, Kyiv (Ukraine) – Presenter
Miscellaneous (Abridged)
- TOP-100 change-makers that improved life in Minsk
- Future Search for Civil Society Development Session, organized by Pact, 2015 - Participant
- Delegation Member of Belarus Brief Visit (Congress, USAID HQ, Pact HQ), Washington DC, 2015
- Cultural Diplomacy, Training Program for Cultural Managers, Poland, Ukraine, 2014
- Urban Journalism Awards, Belarus, 2017 - Jury Member
- City Improvement Projects Competition, Belarus, 2015 - Jury Member
What we do
Communications for Development Consultancy
We are providing expertise and helping you to utilize communications for development in an effective way.
Authored e-learning modules based on specific community needs by utilizing integrated media to provide communities with engaging knowledge and skills.
Production of impactful media content for social change.
Participatory and Community Development
Design, facilitation and management of community and placemaking projects.
Civic Education
Design and facilitation of storytelling, creative thinking, and community engagement workshops.
Networking and Cultural Exchange
Development of networking and collaboration sessions, workshops and events; design and management of cross-cultural exchange projects.
Meet our team
Nadzeya Ilkevich
Gaone Manatong
Quintin Schomaker
Bart Kuraga
Marketing Director
Feel free to contact us:
+1 740 590 82 64
Athens, Ohio (USA) / Minsk, Belarus